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Grants Management

What Are Formula Grants?

Discover what formula grants are, how they work, their key differences from other grant types, and how Fluxx's grant management system streamlines...

Grants Management

What Are the Different Types of Federal Grants?

Learn about the different types of federal grants—categorical, block, project, and formula grants—and how government agencies can streamline their...

Grants Management

What is and How Do I Use It?

Discover what is, how it works, the types of grants available, and how to use the platform effectively. Learn how Fluxx integrates with...

Grants Management

What Is the Federal Grantmaking Process?

Learn the ins and outs of the federal grantmaking process, how it differs from grant management, and how Fluxx's grantmaking software simplifies it...

Grants Management

How to Stay in Compliance with Your Grant

Learn essential tips for maintaining grant compliance. Discover the importance of grant management compliance, potential consequences of...

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