
How Can Funders Effectively Support Advocacy Efforts?


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In the latest episode of Untapped Philanthropy, we explore the multifaceted world of advocacy funding with Debby Bielak and Liz Jain from Bridgespan. As experts in the field, Debby and Liz bring a wealth of knowledge on how funders can effectively support advocacy efforts to drive systemic change. They recently published a primer for funders considering whether and how to invest in advocacy efforts: Using All the Tools in the Tookit: Funding Advocacy for Social Change.

Understanding Advocacy

Debby and Liz start by defining advocacy as a set of activities designed to build awareness, shift narratives, and engage decision-makers to change policies. They break down advocacy into three key levels: education, lobbying, and campaigning. Education focuses on raising awareness among the general public, lobbying aims to influence specific legislation, and campaigning involves supporting or opposing political candidates.

Practical Advice for Funders

Liz and Debby emphasize the importance of understanding the legal structures involved, such as 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), and 527 organizations. They also discuss the benefits of funding both direct services and policy work to achieve comprehensive change.

Overcoming Barriers

The discussion addresses common barriers funders face, such as perceived increased expenses, legal complexities, and varying notions of risk. Debby and Liz provide insights on navigating these challenges and encourage funders to consider the long-term benefits of advocacy funding.

Sustaining Advocacy Efforts

Advocacy work requires sustained effort and long-term planning. Liz highlights the importance of giving early and maintaining support throughout the entire policy process. Significant policy changes often result from numerous smaller wins over many years.

This episode is a must-listen for funders and nonprofit leaders looking to deepen their understanding of advocacy funding. Debby Bielak and Liz Jain offer invaluable insights and practical advice on how to support advocacy efforts effectively. Tune in to learn how you can leverage advocacy funding to drive meaningful change in your community.

For a comprehensive list of all Untapped Philanthropy episodes, visit the Fluxx blog, or your favorite podcast listening station, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. 

Download the transcript here.

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