Tips for Managing a Foundation Grant
Learn expert tips for managing foundation grants effectively. Discover why grant management is crucial, what sets foundations apart, and how Fluxx...
Learn expert tips for managing foundation grants effectively. Discover why grant management is crucial, what sets foundations apart, and how Fluxx...
Learn what foundation grant managers do, why foundation grants require management, and how grant management software like Fluxx simplifies the...
The OMB issued a memorandum (M-25-13) from an executive order by President Trump, implementing a pause on all federal financial assistance programs,...
Learn why universities rely on grant management software, what to consider when selecting a system, and how it streamlines funding for academic...
Learn how to create a grant policy for your foundation. Understand its importance, who needs it, and how grant management software like Fluxx...
TAG’s State of Philanthropy Tech report lists Fluxx as the number one grants management system for private foundations. Uncover the report’s 3 key...
Discover how the San Francisco Foundation’s Rapid Response Fund supports urgent projects addressing racial and economic equity in the Bay Area, with...
Discover what higher education grants management software is, how it differs from other systems, and how tools like Fluxx streamline grants...
The Colorado Trust’s Building and Bridging Power grant supports advocacy and community building in Colorado. Learn about the program’s goals and how...
Learn how the Green & Healthy Homes Initiative’s Thriving Communities program empowers communities to reduce health disparities and improve living...