Untapped Philanthropy: What does the future of family philanthropy look like in America?
In this blog, we will be covering episode two of Untapped Philanthropy, which you can listen to now through the podcast link at the top of the post.
In this blog, we will be covering episode two of Untapped Philanthropy, which you can listen to now through the podcast link at the top of the post.
Announcing Untapped Philanthropy – a Fluxx podcast that explores funding, technology, and policy through the lens of visionary thought leaders....
Our latest Fluxx Community Insights survey we asked our funders to tell us about their views and work in regards to The Common Application. Keep...
2020 solidified some key philanthropic trends – turning them into permanent fixtures of the industry – and gave us new takeaways for the upcoming...
Read this blog to rev isit the top 5 Fluxx blog posts from 2020!
We asked funders how they tackled COVID-19 throughout the year. Their responses offer valuable insights into the future of philanthropy.
Is your foundation's data secure? Here are our top three must-implement recommendations. These are essential security tips that should not be ignored!
Fluxx is pleased to announce that Kristy Gannon will be assuming the role of Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately.
Our latest Fluxx Community Insights Survey covers the lessons funders have taken from 2020, and how they're using those lessons to plan for next year.
A collective action approach to philanthropy enables your grants and grants management solution to go further. Learn more in our blog.