Grants Management

What it was like to be at My First FluxxCon


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Fluxxcon Group Photo

Looking Ahead

As I reflect on my first FluxxCon experience, I feel more energized than ever. I was reminded that Fluxx is more than just a platform—it’s a community of innovators and changemakers who are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. And as we continue to grow, I’m excited to see how we can harness this energy and passion to create an even greater impact together.

So, to everyone who attended and contributed—thank you. I look forward to many more FluxxCons to come, and to working side-by-side with you all to transform the way philanthropy works.

Here are a few key insights I took away from my time at FluxxCon:

1. An Engaged and Inspiring Community of Grantmakers and Partners

Walking into FluxxCon, I was immediately struck by the energy in the room. The diversity of attendees—from large foundations to grassroots organizations from local to global—created a vibrant mix of perspectives. But what really stood out was the sense of unity. This is a community that doesn’t just talk about driving change; they’re actively working to transform the way social good happens. Whether it was a breakout session or a casual conversation over coffee, I could see that everyone was there to learn, share, and, most importantly, collaborate.

2. Passionate About Data and Innovation 

Another thing that became clear was how much our community believes in the power of data and technology. From Trista Harris’ keynote about futurism in philanthropy to panels and sessions on data, taxonomy and tech, our community was leaning in to understand how data and tech can help guide both their grantmaking process to how it could provide insights and learnings for leadership and their community. 

But it’s not just about using current tech—it’s about pushing it further. Our users aren’t content with “good enough”; they’re constantly looking for ways to enhance and evolve the platform to meet the growing needs of their work. And it’s that commitment that inspires us to keep innovating.

3. Eager to Learn from Each Other

One of the most powerful aspects of FluxxCon was the openness with which people shared their successes, challenges, and lessons learned. There’s a genuine hunger to learn what others are doing, to understand what’s working, and to borrow those ideas to amplify their own impact. During the sessions, I saw attendees furiously jotting down notes and engaging in thoughtful discussions, often with questions like: “How did you implement that?” or “What challenges did you face in adoption?” This desire to learn from each other reinforced that Fluxx isn’t just a technology provider—we’re part of a thriving community that’s constantly evolving together.

4. Desire for More Hands-On Experience

While the energy and engagement were palpable, one recurring theme was the need for more hands-on experience. Attendees expressed a strong interest in more interactive sessions where they could dive into the details of specific features, test new capabilities in real time, and get their questions answered by the Fluxx team. It was clear that our community craves deeper learning opportunities that go beyond presentations—they want real-world scenarios, technical workshops, and more opportunities to roll up their sleeves and try things out.

5. Wanting More Time with the Fluxx Team and Each Other

Another sentiment that came up frequently was the desire for more time—not just with us, but with each other. FluxxCon served as a reminder that some of the most meaningful insights come from peer interactions. I saw countless moments where connections were made, emails were exchanged, and ideas for future collaborations started to form. In addition to our active online Fluxx community, we’re thinking about how to create more spaces—both in-person and virtual—where our community can engage in these kinds of rich, productive conversations.

6. A Shared Drive to Push the Platform to the Next Level

Finally, if there’s one thing I walked away from FluxxCon absolutely certain about, it’s this: Our community is not just along for the ride—they are pushing us to be better every day. They want to see Fluxx continue to innovate, to develop new tools that address emerging needs, and to ensure that we remain on the cutting edge of grants management technology. I heard from people who have been using the platform for years, and from newer users just getting started, all of whom shared one sentiment: Fluxx has helped them achieve so much, and they see even more potential on the horizon.

This feedback is invaluable, and it’s a testament to the collaborative spirit of our community. It’s not just about meeting their needs today—it’s about anticipating where the sector is heading and building solutions that will help them succeed tomorrow.

If you would like to meet us in person, check out our upcoming events.

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