
The Christensen Fund Finds Grants Management Software That Grows as the Funder Grows

Fluxx_TCF_case_studyTo fulfill its mission of helping create a more biodiverse world, the Christensen Fund realized it needed a more flexible and forward thinking grants management software solution. 

With grantmakers in varying locations, Christensen needed a system that was configurable, and easy to use anywhere. While evaluating Fluxx, Brian Burgin, Grants Manager at Christensen, found that Fluxx “was designed by grantmakers for grantmakers,” making it the best choice for Christensen. 

“A lot of the products we were looking at, including Cyber Grants, felt old and rigid. They seemed to be trying to shoehorn new technology into an old outdated structure,”
- Brian Burgin, Grants Manager, The Christensen Fund  

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